The best irc chat for developers
The best irc chat for developers

the best irc chat for developers

The IRC software made its way to various U.S. He recruited Mike Jacobs, who would become the first IRC user located outside of Scandinavia. The use of IRC spread to the United States when Oikarinen obtained an account on MIT’s famous “” computer. Its popularity spread further and it was soon running across Scandinavia on the Scandinavian network NORDUNET. The IRC client was upgraded to include support for Emacs editor commands and soon was in use on the Finnish network FUNET. Once IRC became popular enough that it began attracting more than 10 users, Oikarinen asked friends at universities in south Finland to run IRC servers in order to spread the processing load. Before the advent of the World Wide Web, the existence of email and IRC were two of the prime reasons that an individual would want to connect to the Internet. IRC is an excellent example of the ability of ideas and tools to quickly spread using the power afforded by the Internet. It was first deployed on OuluBox at the end of August 1988. He decided to improve MUT and the result was IRC. Jarkko was not satisfied with MultiUser Talk (MUT), the multi-user chat program that was currently in use on OuluBox.

the best irc chat for developers the best irc chat for developers

He was responsible for a Sun Unix server that the department ran on a public bulletin board system named OuluBox. Oikarinen was employed at the University’s Department of Information Processing Science in the summer of 1988.

The best irc chat for developers